Suggestions and Appreciative Comments
Roberta had been live-streaming her interaction with Elmer on Facebook the entire time. In the pauses between her conversations with Elmer, she turned to her Live Feed audience for inspiration and suggestions. Unbelievably, she received an overwhelming amount of favorable answers and remarks. Someone suggested he enroll in her real estate school, another offered him a job in one of her businesses, and yet another offered to help find a place to live. That's very wonderful to hear!
This Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance
She returned later to give Elmer and his pal a cheque, and while she was there, she presented Elmer with an extraordinary chance. When you said you did the right thing, you have no concept of what that meant. Even though I have no idea who you are, I am grateful to God for you. And whatever you're going through right now, know that it's just temporary. You've been doing the right things, and keep it up. Roberta informed Elmer, “And I want to help you.” when she returned from her office. In addition to her words of encouragement, she also shared her plan to get Elmer back on his feet.