A Biblical Secret is Unearth by Scientists From Mount Kilimanjaro

Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors

If you're familiar with the events of Joseph's life as told in the Book of Genesis chapters 37 to 50, you'll know that he was the 11th son of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph was also a favorite of his father, which made his brothers envious. According to the tale, Jacob gave Joseph “a coat of many colors” to express his love for him, but the gift made his brothers jealous. Joseph's dreams, and his ability to understand them, only fueled sibling rivalry.

Slavery's Way of Life

According to the Bible, Joseph's brothers intended to murder him, but instead sold him into slavery to a band of traders on their way to Egypt on a camel train. To conceal their crime, they smeared Joseph's coat in goat's blood and used it as proof that he died. Following that, Joseph was sold as a slave to an Egyptian called Potiphar. Potiphar's wife had love for Joseph, and despite the fact that he did not act on them, his lord imprisoned him.

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