A-Lister Employers and Hollywood Nannies’ Lives

Maria is the Diva

She has high standards and even expects her workers and children to tell her she is beautiful every day. She dislikes nannies who are overly affectionate with her children. She claims she fires them right away. If a nanny tries to become more important to the infant than the pop star, it's game over. Maria is the queen, and her subjects are her subjects. She claims she despises it but makes no apologies.

Madonna's Dietary Limits

Madonna is yet another pop icon that is at ease in her diva image. One nanny who worked at Madonna, left in 2009. She stated that she was asked to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Madonna, a control freak, demands everyone to follow her stringent “macrobiotic” vegetarian diet, a Japanese origin menu that prohibits all sugar, salt, preservatives, and dairy. Everyone, including the nanny, must eat this way. Guy Ritchie, her ex-husband, was also required to adhere to the eating plan.

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