Sisters delivered twins on the same day, and both of the babies were from the same man.

Important Day

As if this story's miracles weren't crazy enough, the two sisters made it even crazier when, against all odds, they both gave birth on the same day! Now, the truth is that this wasn't a coincidence. They both planned to have c-sections on the same day so that all four babies would have the same birthday. Since they were both conceived on the same day, why shouldn't they both be born on the same day? But, as we all know, things don't always work out as planned.

Help from sisters

Even though the two sisters wanted their babies to be born on the same day, they didn't want to give birth at the same time. Well, why not? Because they wanted to be able to help each other with their deliveries! “Johnston told the Daily Mail, “My sister was carrying the two boys, and she had them first, so I could be in the room with her when she had them.” “I gave birth to the girls two hours later, at 9:30 a.m.”

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