Things You Will Only Find in Singapore

The Mama Shops are not to be missed

“Mama Shop” does not refer to a store that offers baby items, it does not refer to a store owned by an elderly lady, and it does not refer to a store meant for extra-large ladies. A mother shop in Singapore is a store that practically sells whatever thing you can conceive of, from any department, in any price range, for less than the cost of life itself. They're all over the place, mainly under apartment buildings, and it's a must-see if you're in the area.

Haw Par Villa

Don't get too excited about your Singapore itinerary's major theme park day. ‘Haw par villa' is a theme park, although it's not exactly Universal Studios. ‘Haw par villa,' one of Singapore's most famous parks, takes you via bizarrely built walkways and statues. On the one hand, it's fascinating, but some of the displays may be pretty distressing.

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