Getting her anger out

Even though the storm was over, the mother still needed to vent her anger. She couldn't do much else, so she went to an online forum and told people what was going on. She ended her tirade by asking, “Was I too harsh?” Luckily, almost everyone thought she did the right thing. One user wrote, “You had every right to do what you did. I would have told him to leave my son and me alone and never come back.”
Help from the community on a moral level

Members of the forum gave their support and talked about their own experiences flying. Someone wrote, “I once switched seats so a parent could sit with her child, but I've never heard of it being the other way around. Children are more important than people getting married in Vegas.” People also agreed with the woman about the extra cost, saying things like, “Sometimes you have to be selfish, especially if you've already paid the extra fee.”